English, Inkeroismurteet, Karjalan kieli, Kielet, Poetry, Runous, Visual Arts, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen

Ei oo ehtoisa sia; Not a Lovely Destination

I have written this poem using the Ingrian language that my grandmother spoke. I checked the conjugations with Wiktionary. I also looked up words from the dictionary of Ingrian dialects that I received a week ago, edited by R. E. Nirvi in 1971.

Ei oo ehtoisa sia

Miun troppa on olt kivegäs.
Siks en pölkää orastuvaa surmaa.
Miä vaa sallin, jod en synny
uuelleen tähä miraa.
Tää mailma ei oo
ehtoisa sia.
© Yelling Rosa


Not a Lovely Destination

My path has been rocky.
That’s why I’m not afraid
of impending death.
I only hope I’m not born
on this planet again.
This world is not
a lovely destination.
© Yelling Rosa

I Will Concentrate on the Ingrian Language

At least for a while, I will focus only on studying Inger dialects. These dialects have soon disappeared from the world, and since I still remember the mentioned language used by my grandmother, I want to leave my knowledge to posterity. My priority is giving information on Ingrian, which means that my poems or other texts can sometimes be less profound.

My blogs have featured foreign languages, but I don’t have enough time to study them. English flows best among foreign languages, even though I don’t understand its soul. So, I use it when I explain Ingrian dialects to non-Baltic Finnish people. When a person turns 70, only a few years are usually left.

I hope you enjoy the Ingrian dialects as much as I do.

